Lundquist GPA Calculators

Core GPA Calculator

  • Enter grades and credits as listed on your unofficial transcript or transfer evaluation (available in Duckweb). Use projected grades for courses in progress to estimate possible core GPA.
  • Be sure to enter +/- for a grade, because it can impact your GPA.
  • If you repeat a course, only use the new grade for your pre-business core calculation.
  • If you are using EC 311 to replace EC 201 or EC 313 to replace EC 202 in your core GPA, use the EC 311/313 grade in the calculator in place of the 201/202 grades.
  • Note: If you took a 2-part Financial Accounting series from an out of state schedule, speak with a business advisor about how that may affect your core GPA.
Class & Letter GradeNumber of CreditsPoints Per CreditQuality Points

1. Cumulative GPA

  • Refer to the bottom of your unofficial transcript in the Grades and Transcripts menu of Duckweb to get the necessary information for your UO GPA.
  • Under the Transcript Totals section, refer to the columns GPA Hours and Quality Points.
  • Refer to the bottom of the Transfer Evaluation Report in Duckweb to get the necessary information for your transfer GPA. If your transfer work had no grades (like all AP work), you don’t need to include them in your calculation.
  • Fill in quality points and GPA hours below.
  • Please note two things: First, if your transfer work is not yet in the Duckweb system, you should note that your GPA may be adjusted based on accepted coursework. Second, if you are repeating a course you already received a letter grade for, this GPA calculator may not be fully accurate. Please talk with an advisor about how repeating a course affects your cumulative GPA.

2. Projected Term GPA

  • If you want a projected cumulative GPA, enter information into the cumulative GPA box above first.
  • Enter potential credits for your current term classes. Use the credits listed on your unofficial transcript for each class. Projected term GPA will appear below. Projected cumulative GPA will only appear if you have entered your current term GPA information above.
  • If you are repeating a course you received a letter grade for in the past, talk with an advisor about how this affects your cumulative GPA.
Letter GradeNumber of CreditsPoints Per CreditQuality Points

3. Review Results

Your results will appear below after you have completed previous steps.
